Phylofactor differential abundance analysis


Phylofactor tutorial

Publication Washburne, A. D., Silverman, J. D., Morton, J. T., Becker, D. J., Crowley, D., Mukherjee, S., … Plowright, R. K. (2019). Phylofactorization: a graph partitioning algorithm to identify phylogenetic scales of ecological data. Ecological Monographs, 89(2), e01353.



Load functions

Phylofactor summary by ASV

Function to summarise all phylofactors into a dataframe including taxonomy details and model coefficients

## phyfacsummary function ##
## Enter the phylofactor file and the phyloseq object to get a dataframe
## with model results, abundances and taxa info
## the third function input is '4' or '5',  4 is used when the
## phylofactor model setting was set to 'F', otherwise 5
## p adjusted method = fdr

phyfacsummary <- function(phylofactorfile, phyloseqobject, Var_or_F) {
  datalist = list()
  factornumber <- nrow(phylofactorfile$factors)
  taxadf <-
  taxadf <- unite(taxadf, taxonomy, sep = ";", remove = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("OTU")
  otudf <- data.frame(Abundance = rowSums( %>% rownames_to_column("OTU")
  for (i in 1:factornumber) {
    smry <- phylofactor::pf.summary(phylofactorfile, taxadf,  factor=i)
    td <- phylofactor::pf.tidy(smry)
    factorsgroup <- data.frame(smry$group1) %>% dplyr::select(IDs.otuIDs,IDs.TaxaIDs) %>%
      dplyr::rename(OTU = IDs.otuIDs) %>% dplyr::rename(Taxa_ID = IDs.TaxaIDs) %>%
      mutate(Phylofactor = i) %>%
      mutate('Pr(>F)' = phylofactorfile$factors[[i,Var_or_F]] )
      ncoefs <- nrow(data.frame(td$Coefficients))
        for(c in 1:ncoefs) {                                   # Head of for-loop
          new <- rep(td$Coefficients[[c]], nrow(factorsgroup)) # Create new column
          factorsgroup[ , ncol(factorsgroup) + 1] <- new      # Append new column
          colnames(factorsgroup)[ncol(factorsgroup)] <- paste0(rownames(data.frame(td$Coefficients[c])))  # Rename column name
  datalist[[i]] <- factorsgroup

phylofactorsummary <- dplyr::bind_rows(datalist)
  phylofactorsummary$`Pr(>F)adj.` <- p.adjust(phylofactorsummary$`Pr(>F)`, "fdr")
  return(phylofactorsummary %>% left_join(otudf, by = "OTU") %>% as_tibble() %>% separate(Taxa_ID, sep=";", c("Kingdom","Phylum","Class","Order","Family","Genus","Species")))

Phylofactor summary by factor

# Function to create a dataframe containing all factors including coefficents .
# Makes sure to have the correct phyloseq object which contains the data used to create the phylofactor model
myfactoroverviewfunction <- function(phylofactorobject, phyloseqobject) {
# create a factor dataframe (standard output is without coefficients which will be added with this function)
factors <- data.frame(phylofactorobject$factors)
taxadf <-
taxadf <- unite(taxadf, taxonomy, sep = ";", remove = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("OTU")
# Create a dataframe with coefficients
ncoefs <- nrow(factors)
df <- data.frame(Factors = rownames(factors))
for(c in 1:ncoefs) {     # Head of for-loop
  smry <- phylofactor::pf.summary(phylofactorobject, taxadf,  factor=c)
  td <- phylofactor::pf.tidy(smry)
  #df[c,1] <- paste("Factor", 1)
  # add coefficient for all factor variables
  coefs <- nrow(data.frame(td$Coefficients))
  for(v in 1:coefs) {                          # Head of for-loop
    new <- rep(td$Coefficients[[v]], ) # Create new column
    df[c , v+1 ] <- new      # Append new column
    colnames(df)[(v+1)] <- paste0(rownames(data.frame(td$Coefficients[v])))  # Rename column name
# combine the factor dataframe with coefficient dataframe
factors <- (factors %>% rownames_to_column("Factors") %>% left_join(df))

Bin colour function

##### Function for randomly selecting colors from two sets of colours.
## The output of this function is required for the binplotfunction.
# This function allocates a bright and a grey colour set to bins based on bin size.
# within these two colour pools colours are selected at random for phylofactor bins  ####
# Seven inputs are required
# Inputs are the phylofactor object (output of a PhyloFactor function) and a phyloseq object (which was used for phylofactor inputs otus and metadata) and the name of the orderfactor which was used for modelling the abundances
# The two colour-sets need to be vectors containing colours which can be any number of colours as long as the total number of colours are identical for both sets
# The first set of colours should be a bright set of colours to highlight larger bins
# the second set of colours is a grey set. These are needed for simplification and so one can identify important bins in the legend.
# The sixed input is a numeric value (0-1) to regulate the size of bins to be coloured. The larger this value results in only larger bins get colours.
# The last input is either 'min' or 'max'. This determines where bin sizes are calculated for deciding on colours. Either at the beginning or at the end of the figure.
# This function requires that the PhyloFactor function was run - using one (not multiple) explanatory variable in the model

mycolorfunction <- function(phylofactorobj, phyloseqobj, orderfactor, brightcols, greycols, brightbinfactor, minmax) {      #orderfactor = the explanatory variable used in model
  # extract bins from phylofactor object
  bin.projection <- phylofactor::pf.BINprojection(phylofactorobj, rel.abund=T, prediction = T)
  bin.observed <- bin.projection$Data
  meta.df <- data.frame(sample_data(phyloseqobj)) %>% arrange(Week, SampleNo)
  taxadf <-
  taxadf <- unite(taxadf, taxonomy, sep = ";", remove = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("OTU")
  # prepare bin table, extract data from phyloseq object and combine
  bins <- meta.df %>% dplyr::select(Week, Treatment, {{orderfactor}}) %>%
    rownames_to_column("SampleID") %>%
    left_join(data.frame(t(bin.observed)) %>%
                rownames_to_column("SampleID")) %>%
    dplyr::select(-Bin.1) %>%
    dplyr::arrange({{orderfactor}}) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("Bin"))

  # Create a vector with colors, depending on bin size
    data <- bins %>% dplyr::filter({{orderfactor}} == minmax(bins %>% select({{orderfactor}})))   # filter to the smallest variable value, determines where to filter values
    binrows <- nrow(data)             # loop number
    colvec <- vector("character")   # open a vector
      for(row in 1:binrows)  {        # for loop to fill vector
        boom <- ifelse( ( data[row,]$value > (brightbinfactor * sum(data$value))), base::sample(brightcols, size = 1), base::sample(greycols, size = 1))
        colvec <- c(colvec, boom)
  names(colvec) <- data$name

Binplot function

##### Function for plotting observed and predicted phylofactor bins  ####
# Three inputs are required
# Inputs are a phylofactor object (output of a PhyloFactor function) and a phyloseq object (which was used for phylofactor inputs otus and metadata) and the name of the orderfactor which was used for modelling the abundances
# This function requires that the PhyloFactor function was run - using one (not multiple) explanatory variable in the model
binplotfunction <- function(phylofactorobj, phyloseqobj, orderfactor) {
  # Prepare bin data for plotting
  # load meta data from phylo
  meta.df <- data.frame(sample_data(phyloseqobj)) %>% arrange(Week, SampleNo)
  bin.projection <- phylofactor::pf.BINprojection(phylofactorobj, rel.abund=T)
  bin.observed <- bin.projection$Data
  # observed values
  bins <- meta.df %>% dplyr::select(Week, Treatment, {{orderfactor}}) %>%
    rownames_to_column("SampleID") %>%
    left_join(data.frame(t(bin.observed)) %>%
    rownames_to_column("SampleID")) %>%
    dplyr::select(-Bin.1) %>%
    dplyr::arrange({{orderfactor}}) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("Bin"))
  # sorting bins by bin number (i.e. make bin name a factor) so legend appears in correct order
  data <- bins %>% dplyr::filter({{orderfactor}} == min(bins %>% select({{orderfactor}})))
  bins$name <- factor(bins$name, levels = data$name)
  #  mutate(plotme = factor({{orderfactor}}) ) # create a leveled factor for plotting in correct order
  # only needed if manual ordering is required
  p <- ggplot(bins, aes(x={{orderfactor}}, y=value, group=name,fill=name)) +
        geom_area(position="fill") +
        ggpubr::rotate_x_text(angle = 90) +
        ylab("Relative abundanced (Observed)") +
        theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = colvec) +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE))

  # repeat for predicted values
  bin.projection <- phylofactor::pf.BINprojection(phylofactorobj, rel.abund=T, prediction = T)
  bin.predicted <- bin.projection$Data
  bins <- meta.df %>% dplyr::select(Week, Treatment, {{orderfactor}}) %>%
    rownames_to_column("SampleID") %>%
    left_join(data.frame(t(bin.predicted)) %>%
    rownames_to_column("SampleID")) %>%
    dplyr::select(-Bin.1) %>%
    dplyr::arrange({{orderfactor}})  %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("Bin"))
  # sorting bins by bin number (i.e. make bin name a factor) so legend appears in correct order
  data <- bins %>% dplyr::filter({{orderfactor}} == min(bins %>% select({{orderfactor}})))
  bins$name <- factor(bins$name, levels = data$name)
  #  mutate(plotme = factor({{orderfactor}}) ) # create a leveled factor for plotting in correct order
  p2 <- ggplot(bins, aes(x={{orderfactor}}, y=value, group=name,fill=name)) +
        geom_area(position="fill") +
        ggpubr::rotate_x_text(angle = 90) +
        ylab("Relative abundanced (Predicted)") +
        theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = colvec) +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE))

  p3 <-  ggarrange(p, p2, common.legend = TRUE)

Tree colour function

Function to create a vector of randomly selected colors from two sets of pre-defined colours. This vector can be used to colour taxonomic levels in a phylogenetic tree

##### Function for randomly selecting colors from two sets of colours.
# it randomly selects colors from two sets of colours.
# a bright and grey set of colours is selected based on bin size.
# within the colour pools colours are selected at random for each phylofactor bin  ##
##### Function for randomly selecting colors from two sets of colours.
# it randomly selects colors from two sets of colours.
# a bright and grey set of colours is selected based on bin size.
# within the colour pools colours are selected at random for each phylofactor bin  ##

mytreecolorfunction <- function(phyloseqobj, brightcols, greycols, prevelancethreshold, seed, taxalevel = "Phylum") {
  #orderfactor = the explanatory variable used in model
  # extract bins from phylofactor object
  prevelancedf = apply(X = phyloseq::otu_table(phyloseqobj),
                       MARGIN = 1,
                       FUN = function(x){sum(x > 0)})
  prevelancedf = data.frame(Prevalence = prevelancedf,
                            TotalAbundance = taxa_sums(phyloseqobj),
  prevelancedf <- plyr::ddply(prevelancedf, taxalevel, function(df1){
    data.frame(mean_prevalence=mean(df1$Prevalence),total_abundance=sum(df1$TotalAbundance,na.rm = T),stringsAsFactors = F)

  # Create a vector with colors, depending on prevalence
    phyla <- nrow(prevelancedf)   # loop number
    colvec <- vector("character")   # open a vector
      for(phylum in 1:phyla)  {   # for loop to fill vector
        boom <- ifelse( ( prevelancedf[phylum,]$total_abundance > prevelancethreshold), base::sample(brightcols, size = 1), base::sample(greycols, size = 1))
        colvec <- c(colvec, boom)
  names(colvec) <- as.vector(prevelancedf %>% dplyr::select(taxalevel))[,1]
  zerovec <- c("grey")
  names(zerovec) <- "No colour"
  colvec <- c(zerovec, colvec)

colour sets

# colour set 1 for mycolorfunctions
brightcols <-c("#E6B0AA","#F5B7B1", "#D7BDE2", "#D2B4DE","#A9CCE3", "#AED6F1", "#A3E4D7","#A2D9CE", "#A9DFBF", "#ABEBC6", "#F9E79F", "#FAD7A0","#F5CBA7", "#EDBB99", "#C0392B", "#E74C3C","#9B59B6", "#2980B9", "#3498DB", "#1ABC9C", "#27AE60","#2ECC71","#F1C40F","#F39C12","#E67E22","#CA6F1E")

# colour set 2 for mycolorfunctions
greycols <-c("#E5E8E8","#CCD1D1", "#B2BABB", "#99A3A4","#7F8C8D", "#707B7C", "#616A6B","#515A5A", "#424949", "#D6DBDF", "#AEB6BF", "#808B96","#EAEDED", "#D5DBDB", "#E5E7E9", "#D7DBDD","#CACFD2", "#BDC3C7", "#A6ACAF", "#909497", "#797D7F","#626567","#ABB2B9","#808B96","#EAECEE","#EBEDEF")

Treeplot function

Function to create a tree from a phyloseq object which contains a tree. With edges coloured by a certain taxa rank

# The taxarank has to be entered twice in this function: e.g. taxalevel = "Phylum", Phylum

treefunction <- function(phyloseqfile, layout = "circular", taxalevel = "Phylum", taxalevelforggplot) {
  ## Extract a taxadataframe based on your final filters
  taxa.df <- phyloseq::tax_table(phyloseqfile)@.Data %>%
  ## Create a list to split otus by phyla, this will be used for colour-grouping the tree
  taxa.df.phylum <- taxa.df %>% rownames_to_column("OTUID") %>%  dplyr::select(OTUID, taxalevel) %>%
  phyla.list <- split(rownames(taxa.df.phylum), as.vector(taxa.df %>% dplyr::select(taxalevel)), drop = TRUE)
  ## adding that phyla list to the tree
  tree.df <-  phyloseq::phy_tree(phyloseqfile)
  ### add list grouping to tree and call it Phylum (or another taxa level)
  ggtree_gps <- ggtree::groupOTU(tree.df, phyla.list, taxalevel)
  ### Plot tree
  ggtree::ggtree(ggtree_gps, aes(color={{taxalevelforggplot}}, alpha = 0.5), layout = layout) +
  theme(legend.position="right") +
  scale_colour_manual(values = treecols) +
  guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5)))

Treeplot function phylofactor

This function produces a treeplot with phylofactors highlighted and includes a legend to identify them. It is slightly modified from the original phylofactor function pf.tree.

# function for a tree figure with phylofactors highlighted including a legend to identify them

pf.tree.with.legend <- function(pf, layout = "circular", factorvector = NULL) {'Phylofactor'=1:pf$nfactors,'group'=rep(1,pf$nfactors))

 if (is.null(factorvector)) {'Phylofactor'=1:pf$nfactors,'group'=rep(1,pf$nfactors))
    }  else { <- %>% dplyr::filter(Phylofactor %in% factorvector)
m <- nrow(
#cols <- color.fcn(m)$colors <- cols
method = "factors"
nd <- NULL
  for (i in 1:m){
    if (method=='factors'){
      grp <- pf$tree$tip.label[pf$groups[[[i,1]]][[[i,2]]]]
    } else {
      grp <- pf$tree$tip.label[GroupList[[i]]]

    grp <- intersect(grp,tree$tip.label)
    if (length(grp)>0 & any(setdiff(tree$tip.label,grp) %in% pf$tree$tip.label)){
      if (length(grp)>1){
        nd <- c(nd, ggtree::MRCA(tree,grp))
      } else {
        nd <- c(nd,match(grp,tree$tip.label))

df <- data.frame(, node = nd)
df$Phylofactor <- factor(df$Phylofactor, levels = df$Phylofactor)
gg <- ggtree::ggtree(tree,layout=layout, aes(alpha = 0.5)) +
  guides(alpha = FALSE)
gg <- gg+ggtree::geom_hilight(data = df, aes(node=node, fill=Phylofactor))


Add ILRs to phyloseq

Function to take a phylofactor file and extract the mean sample ILRs and add those to the phyloseq sample data They can then be used for plotting graphs together with abundance data.

addILRtophyloseq <-  function(phyloseqobject, phylofactorobject) {
  # export taxa data from phyloseq object
  taxadf <-
  taxadf <- unite(taxadf, taxonomy, sep = ";", remove = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("OTU_ID")
  # export metadata from phyloseq object
  meta.df <- data.frame(sample_data(phyloseqobject)) %>% rownames_to_column("OTU_ID")
  # add ILRs for each sample and factor to the metadataframe
  factornumber <- nrow(phylofactorobject$factors)
    for (i in 1:factornumber) {
      smry <- phylofactor::pf.summary(phylofactorobject, taxadf,  factor=i)
      ilr.df <- data.frame(mean.ilr = smry$ilr) %>% rownames_to_column("OTU_ID")
      meta.df <- meta.df %>% left_join(ilr.df, by = "OTU_ID")
      names(meta.df)[ncol(meta.df)] <- paste0("meanILR_", i)
  # re-import metadata into phyloseq object
  phyloseqobject@sam_data <- phyloseq::sample_data(meta.df)

Load phyloseq object

For detail on how to get a phyloseq object please see chapter ‘From Qiime2 into R’. It is important that the phyloseq object is the same phyloseq object that was used to extract the tree and ASV abundances to model the phylofactors.

# reading in a previously saved phyloseq object
physeqB.flt <- readRDS('physeqB.flt')
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 4932 taxa and 136 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 136 samples by 38 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 4932 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
## phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 4932 tips and 4931 internal nodes ]

Filter phyloseq object as required for your anlaysis

It is important that the phyloseq object is the same phyloseq object that was used to extract the tree and ASV abundances to model the phylofactors.

`%notin%` = Negate(`%in%`)
# Filter out any sampled that are not needed for the analysis
physeqB.flt.norefs<-  prune_samples(sample_data(physeqB.flt)$Treatment %notin% c("Reference", "Blank", "Heat"), physeqB.flt)

# Filter to specific sample categories
# Use a generic phyloseq object name - makes it less error-prone for downstream code
physeqB.flt.phyfac <-  prune_samples(sample_data(physeqB.flt.norefs)$Week == "T52", physeqB.flt.norefs)

# remove any ASV that now have 0 abundance due to filtering
physeqB.flt.phyfac <- phyloseq::prune_taxa(taxa_sums(physeqB.flt.phyfac) != 0, physeqB.flt.phyfac)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 3523 taxa and 40 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 40 samples by 38 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 3523 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
## phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 3523 tips and 3522 internal nodes ]

Load phylofactor object

See materials provided in resources to learn how to model phylofactors and create a phylofactor object.

# Read in the phylofactor object
PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2 <- readRDS('PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2')

##        phylofactor object from function PhyloFactor
##        --------------------------------------------       
## Method                    : glm
## Choice                    : var
## Formula                   : Data ~ X
## Number of species         : 3523
## Number of factors         : 58
## Frac Explained Variance   : 0.00949
## Largest non-remainder bin : 2511
## Number of singletons      : 33
## Paraphyletic Remainder    : 818 species
## -------------------------------------------------------------
## Factor Table:
##                                   Group1                         Group2
## Factor 1    15 member Monophyletic clade 3508 member Monophyletic clade
## Factor 2     6 member Monophyletic clade 3502 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 3     2 member Monophyletic clade 3500 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 4  2511 member Paraphyletic clade  989 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 5     8 member Monophyletic clade 2503 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 6     5 member Monophyletic clade 2498 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 7                             tip 2497 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 8     7 member Monophyletic clade 2490 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 9                             tip 2489 member Paraphyletic clade
## Factor 10   10 member Monophyletic clade  979 member Paraphyletic clade
##               ExpVar       F     Pr(>F)
## Factor 1  0.00063574  4.7144 0.03622200
## Factor 2  0.00049920  7.2506 0.01048600
## Factor 3  0.00035296  6.8365 0.01273500
## Factor 4  0.00036168  4.5507 0.03942300
## Factor 5  0.00036687  9.3068 0.00414820
## Factor 6  0.00035833  3.8421 0.05734500
## Factor 7  0.00033013 17.6360 0.00015554
## Factor 8  0.00029885 10.4280 0.00256100
## Factor 9  0.00028711 14.7260 0.00045600
## Factor 10 0.00025637  4.9842 0.03154900

Phylofactor analysis

Phylofactor summaries

Factor overview

The only difference to the factor overview from the generic output is that the coefficients of the model are shown. It helped me with interpretation of the effect-direction and strength.

# Factor overview
factors <- myfactoroverviewfunction(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2, physeqB.flt.phyfac)

kable(head(factors), format = "html", digits = 2) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F, bootstrap_options = c( "condensed"), font_size = 10 )
Factor 115 member Monophyletic clade3508 member Monophyletic clade04.710.044.24-0.32
Factor 26 member Monophyletic clade3502 member Paraphyletic clade07.250.01-0.120.28
Factor 32 member Monophyletic clade3500 member Paraphyletic clade06.840.010.750.24
Factor 42511 member Paraphyletic clade989 member Paraphyletic clade04.550.045.33-0.24
Factor 58 member Monophyletic clade2503 member Paraphyletic clade09.310.000.580.24
Factor 65 member Monophyletic clade2498 member Paraphyletic clade03.840.06-0.950.24

Note: The model here found a total of 58 factors. Factor 4 contained the largest number of ASVs. What groups of bacteria were they? This can be explored numerically and visually.

Phylofactors by ASV

Each ASV is listed with phylofactor, significance, coeffients and abundances added as extra columns.

# Creating a phylofactor overview on ASV level
# Function as loaded earlier. Input the phylofactor object and the phyloseq object
## the third function input is '4' or '5',  4 is used when the phylofactor model setting 'choice' = 'F', otherwise use 5
phylfactor.taxa.summary <-  phyfacsummary(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2, physeqB.flt.phyfac, 5)
kable(head(phylfactor.taxa.summary %>% dplyr::select(-OTU, -Kingdom)), format = "html", digits = 2) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F, bootstrap_options = c( "condensed"), font_size = 10 )

Group by specified taxa level

Sometimes its easier to look at higher taxonomic levels first.

# create a summary of taxa by phylofactor and taxa level
# Group and sum abundances at order level
phylfactor.taxa.summary.taxalevel <- phylfactor.taxa.summary  %>%
  group_by(Phylum, Class, Order, Phylofactor) %>%
  summarise(Abundance = sum(Abundance))  %>%
  arrange(Phylofactor, Phylum)

kable(head(phylfactor.taxa.summary.taxalevel), format = "html", digits = 2) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F, bootstrap_options = c( "condensed"), font_size = 10 )

Filter specific factors if needed
# Summaries for speciec factors
phylfactor.taxa.summary.taxalevel <- phylfactor.taxa.summary %>%
  group_by(Phylum, Order, Phylofactor) %>%
  summarise(Abundance = sum(Abundance))  %>%
  arrange(Phylofactor) %>%
  filter(Phylofactor %in% c(4))

kable(head(phylfactor.taxa.summary.taxalevel), format = "html", digits = 2) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F, bootstrap_options = c( "condensed"), font_size = 10 )

Some other ways to look at phylofactors

# Sum of abundances of a specific phylofactor
sum((phylfactor.taxa.summary %>%
filter(Phylofactor %in% c(5)))$Abundance)
## [1] 8818
# AVS count of a specific phylofactor
nrow(phylfactor.taxa.summary %>%
       filter(Phylofactor %in% c(5)))
## [1] 8

Plotting bins

This can help to get an idea of scale and direction of change effected by a continuous variable. However, I found analyzing bins mostly confusing.

# plotting bins
colvec <- mycolorfunction(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2, physeqB.flt.phyfac, loss, brightcols, greycols, 0.005, max)
binplotfunction(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2, physeqB.flt.phyfac, loss)

Plotting trees

Compare two differently coloured versions of the phylogenetic tree to assess patterns of change with your explanatory variable.

Tree 1 - colours indicate taxa that are associated with certain phylofactors

# Create colours (same as the pylofactors above) and name color vector by ILR name
# the name of the vector are required so ggpolot automatically allocated each colour to the right ILR
cols <- viridis::plasma(nrow(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2$factors))

# Name each colour in the colour vector (required for ggplot)
names(cols) <- data.frame('Phylofactor'=1:PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2$nfactors,

# Use the phylofactor tree function which we loaded earlier, highlighting a few pre-selected phylofactors <- pf.tree.with.legend(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2, layout = "rectangular", 
                            factorvector = c(2,3,4,5,8,17,27,28,29,39)) + 
  scale_fill_manual(values = cols) <- + ggtitle("Phylofactors")

Note: Factor four consists of a large group of taxa (see the the purple box). This indicated that the variable ‘loss’ in this model was associated to abundances of a group of taxa that basically divided the phylogeny into two large groups. The next question was: What traits were associated to these two groups?

Also note that most of the other facors are difficult to see because they conistst of a smaller number of ASVs.

Tree 2 - coloured by phylum association

## Tree coloured by phylum

# Remove phyla that have low prevalence. These were identified in an earlier diagnostics in a previous chapter
physeqB.flt.phyfac.plotting  <- physeqB.flt.phyfac  %>% 
  subset_taxa(!Phylum %in% 
                c("RCP2-54", "Cyanobacteria","Dependentiae", 
                  "Bdellovibrionota","Nitrospirota", "Armatimonadota", 
                  "Armatimonadetes") )
physeqB.flt.phyfac.plotting = prune_taxa(taxa_sums(physeqB.flt.phyfac.plotting) != 0, physeqB.flt.phyfac.plotting)

# Use the tree functions loaded earlier

# get colour vector
treecols <- mytreecolorfunction(physeqB.flt.phyfac.plotting, 
                                brightcols, greycols, 10000, 10, taxalevel = 

# The taxarank has to be entered twice in this function: e.g. taxalevel = "Phylum", Phylum
t <- treefunction(physeqB.flt.phyfac.plotting, layout = "rectangular", 
                  taxalevel = "Phylum", Phylum) +
  theme(legend.position = "left") +
  guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=5), ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE))  +
  guides(alpha = FALSE)

#g2 <- ggtree::rotate_tree(gtree$ggplot,-45)
gg <- ggpubr::ggarrange(t,, widths = c(0.5,0.50))

Add scatterplots of isometric log ratios (ILRs) vs. continous variable of interest.

# Use addILRtophyloseq function and create a new phyloseq object with added ILR results in the sample_data (for plotting)
physeqB.flt.ILR <- addILRtophyloseq(physeqB.flt.phyfac, PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2)

# Perhaps do a quick Check that they have 'arrived'
# data.frame(sample_data(physeqB.flt.ILR))

# Extract plot data and pivot longer by ILR factors
plotdata <- data.frame(sample_data(physeqB.flt.ILR)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("meanILR"), names_to = "ILR")

# Make ILRs leveled  factors so they appear in right order
plotdata$ILR <- factor(plotdata$ILR, levels = 

# Create colours (same as the pylofactors above) and name color vector by ILR name
# the name of the vector are required so ggpolot automatically allocated each colour to the right ILR
cols <- viridis::plasma(nrow(PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2$factors))
names(cols) <- plotdata[1:PF_loss_T52_var_incH2O2$nfactors,]$ILR

# plot ILRs
# I have pre-selected some factors for which I wanted to see the ILRs and compare
#or 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,14, 19,21, 23, 24,76,64,25,34,46,77,45
p1 <- plotdata %>% filter(ILR %in% c("meanILR_2","meanILR_3","meanILR_4","meanILR_5",
                                     "meanILR_29","meanILR_39")) %>%
  ggscatter(x = "loss", y = "value", combine = TRUE, add = "reg.line", 
   = "ILR", color = "ILR", ncol = 2, 
            add.params = list( color = "black") , 
            ylab = c("Abundances (Isometric log ratio)"), 
            xlab = c("Dieldrin loss (%)")) +
   scale_color_manual(values = c(cols)) +
   theme(legend.position = "none") +
  stat_cor(method = "spearman", 
           aes(label = paste(..rr.label.., ..p.label.., sep = "~`,`~")))

# combine with tree plots
gg1 <- ggarrange(gg, p1, widths = c(0.6,0.4))
#annotate_figure(gg1, top = text_grob("Sampled at T52 (excl. heat treatment), n = 40"))

## Save visualisation in publishable quality
#ggsave("TreePhylavsPF_plusILRs_T52.png", height=7, width=11, units='in', dpi=600)